Software I Would Buy
Palm Os medical software:
ePocrates EssentialsThe regular ePocates is great but the coding software and lab reference in Essentials are worth the price to me.
5-Minute, 5-Minute Peds, and 5-Minute Emergency Medicine
These references were a tremendous help when I was a medical student and a resident. Summaries of most important medical problems designed to be read in 5 minute or less. (check them out at skyscape or handheldmed).
Windows Mobile medical software:
ePocrates EssentialsThe regular ePocates is great but the coding software and lab reference in Essentials are worth the price to me.
5-Minute, 5-Minute Peds, and 5-Minute Emergency Medicine
These references were a tremendous help when I was a medical student and a resident. Summaries of most important medical problems designed to be read in 5 minute or less. (check them out at skyscape or handheldmed).
Blackberry Medical Software
5-Minute, 5-Minute Peds, and 5-Minute Emergency Medicine
These references were a tremendous help when I was a medical student and a resident. Summaries of most important medical problems designed to be read in 5 minute or less. (check them out at skyscape).
iPhone Medical Software
ePocrates EssentialsThe regular ePocates is great but the coding software and lab reference in Essentials are worth the price to me.
5-Minute, 5-Minute Peds, and 5-Minute Emergency Medicine
These references were a tremendous help when I was a medical student and a resident. Summaries of most important medical problems designed to be read in 5 minute or less. (check them out at skyscape).